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In Year 5 we have been looking at Famillies and Friendships, Respecting ourselves and eachother, Media and Digital Resillience, Keeping ourselves safe, Belonging to a community and Jobs and Careers.


Autumn 1 - Famillies and Friendships - 

During this unit, we have explored the idea of healthy relationships. We recognised the qualities of a good friend and how we can be good friends to our peers. Alongside this we developed our understanding of peer influence and what we can do in both comfortable and uncomfortable situations with our peers. We generated and understood stratergies to keep ourselves safe. 


Autumn 2 - Respecting Ourselves and Each Other - 

During this unit, we discovered the importance of understand how we should feel comfortable. We explored the importance of wanted and unwanted behaviour. We developed our understanding of what we should do if we are uncomforable and how to report our concerns both within school and at home. We looked at different types of discrimination and prejudice that can be experienced in the real world and discussed stratergies to tackle this if we are faced with a situation. 


Spring 1 - Media and Digital Resillience and Keeping Safe - 

During this unit, we discussed how not everything we see online is trustworthy. News articles can be very persusicve may not just have the sole purpose to inform. We looked at different materials and how they could have the purpose to entertain, inform, persuade and advertise. We discussed the validity and reliability of those sources and concluded we cannot trust everything we ever see or read. Within this unit, we delved into E-Safety and how to keep ourselves safe online. We explored how to report incidents and the rules of staying safe. With Keeping Safe, we have discussed how to keep ourselves safe both in person and online and the safeguarding procedures in place. 


Spring 2 - Belonging to a community - 

During this unit, we have identified our safe place and the emotions we feel. We discussed how our safe place may not be at home or even at school but somewhere in the community such as Mosque, your favourite place or even the local park. We discussed how to use techniques to remember our feelings in our safe place as a coping stratergy. We also looked at how we all belong to a community. We all belong to a community, our school community. We identified how we could belong to other communities such as football, hobbies and religion. 

World Kindness Day
