Cooking projects
Cooking projects
Year 3
Cooking and Nutrition - To design and make a healthy pizza.
As their Design and Technology project Year 3 made cross-curricular links with science to evaluate and investigate the nutritional benefits of different toppings for their pizzas.
Year 3 learnt lots of new culinary skills which helped them to safely prepare and cook their healthy pizzas.
I am sure we all agree that they look wonderful!
What have you enjoyed in Design and Technology?
"I enjoyed designing and making the pizza - it was something I had never dome before but I will definitely like to make more pizza now I know how easy and healthy it is."
"I enjoyed sampling different types of bread and assessing which one would be the best to use for our pizzas."
What skills have you learnt in Design and Technology?
"We learnt skills to keep us safe while we were cooking like the bridge technique and the tunnel technique"
"We had to use resilience when learning the bridge and tunnel technique as it was important that we were doing it correctly and keeping ourself safe."
How will Design and Technology help you in the future?
"I will use the skills I have learnt when I cook for my family in the future."