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Welcome to Sacred Heart Primary School

with children at its heart

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Our Curriculum Intent

Statement of Intent for Our Curriculum 2023-2024


Courage       Resilience      Independence       Communication


At Sacred Heart Primary, the consideration of our local community is the foundation on which we build our curriculum. Our primary focus is to raise aspirations, foster a sense of personal pride in achievement, and provide a purpose and relevance for learning. We want a curriculum that inspires courage, builds resilience, encourages independence and develops high quality communication with children using ambitious vocabulary in their day to day lives. Our intention is that our curriculum suits the needs of all our pupils and nurtures the development of the whole child, ensuring they are ready for the next stage of their learning.


The love of reading and literature is a key priority in every subject that we teach. Purposeful, quality first texts which foster the school’s values of resilience, resourcefulness, respect and responsibility are linked throughout our curriculum.  Language is at the heart of our curriculum. From the moment our children join us in the Early Years Foundation Stage, we provide them with opportunities to learn and embed ambitious language, enabling them to articulate themselves in today’s society. As children progress through the school, we aspire for them to understand and use language in a whole host of new ways. We ensure that our curriculum provides children with real experiences that commit learning to long term memory, and the skills needed to learn new and exciting concepts and deepen subject knowledge through a progressive model.


Our curriculum encourages our children to be highly motivated and to engage in learning that captures their interest and imagination. Our families are key partners in developing their children’s knowledge and we are grateful to those who support their child’s learning through homework activities, taking part in parent workshops and supporting their children with projects at home. We work with our families in partnership to ensure that we are preparing our children to function as independent and confident individuals, who have high aspirations and the knowledge and skills needed to thrive as young people and adults in the 21st century.
