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Tracking SEND Progress

How does the school know how much progress is made by pupils with SEND?


All children’s progress, including those with SEND, is continually monitored by his/her class teacher, the SENDCO, and senior management using the school’s termly assessment tracking system (Target Tracker/ Sandwell Skills Ladders). Pupils are assessed regularly (every term) using teacher marking, observations and questioning, as well as more formal assessments such as curriculum tests and standardised tests (Salford Reading Test, WellComm screening and Head Start assessments)

In addition for children with SEND we also set individual targets that are reviewed three times a year by relevant staff together with parents/carers (i.e. Pupil Passport review, Individual Learning/Support Plans reviews, meetings, parents’ evenings or Annual Reviews/EHCP Reviews). This helps the school to monitor how well interventions are working and how much progress your child has made.