Specialist Help
How does the school get more specialist help for pupils if they need it?
Our school works with a range of external agencies who can provide specialist support where needed. In all cases, we have a named professional who we can call on. This support can be a visit to school (including possible observations of the child, discussion with staff and meetings with parents), support via email or by telephone, and training for staff where needed. These referrals are always made, via the SENDCO following discussions with staff and parents, and only with full parental involvement and consent.
We have access to...
Sandwell Inclusion Support (for learning, behaviour, support for children with emotional, social or mental health difficulties which impact on their behaviour in school, hearing and visual impairment, training and advice.
Family Support Services
Children’s Services
Sure Start
Looked After Children (LAC) Service
Sandwell Nursing Team
Sandwell Transport Services
Sandwell BEAM Counselling Service
The SENCo maintains a professional dialogue with all external agencies involved with a child, or will initiate a professional dialogue if external support is required. External agencies regularly visit Sacred Heart Primary to review children with SEND in order to ensure the correct and appropriate provision is in place. DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks are sought by the school before external agencies have access to any children.
Complex Communication & Autism Team (CCAT) Support for children or young people who are being assessed for, or already have, a diagnosis of Autism or communication difficulties
Speech & Language Therapy Service (SALT) Support for children with a high level of speech and language difficulties.
School Nurses Support for children with medical needs, including where medication is prescribed/required.
CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) Support for children with mental health issues
Occupational Therapy Support for children or young people with physical/sensory issues which impact on their levels of independence and self care
Physiotherapy Service Support for children with physical difficulties