Year 1
Year 1 Remote Learning
Welcome to our Home Learning page.
Over the last few months, we have developed our home learning approach. Whilst we are learning remotely, please access your Google Classroom for live lessons and assigned work each day. All live lessons can be attended through Google Classroom via the internet (simply Google 'Google Classroom' and sign in with your school email) or the Google Classroom App.
Work is organised for each day and can be found under the classwork tab. Below is a link to our Google Classroom help page where you will find instructions on how to hand in your work to your class teacher.
Owls Google Classroom -
Remote Learning Timetable
We are online week days from 9:00am until 3:00pm.
When schools are reopen, children who are self-isolating will be able to access their work daily under the classwork tab via Google Classroom. This way, children will be able to continue their learning from home. Work must be handed in each day to receive regular feedback from the class teacher.
Please follow the link below to find information on how to access and hand in work via Google Classroom.
Useful Websites
Here are some useful links to support you whilst learning from home.
Your child has a username and password for these websites. Please speak to the class teacher if you need their login details.
Spring 2 Topic Overview
Mindfulness and Mental Health
We know this is a really tough and tricky time for us all at the moment, so we need to make sure we are doing everything we can to look after our Mental Health and Well-Being.
Please click on the links below to find different activities to help boost your mood and find some of the coping strategies we use in school.
Yoga and Deep Breathing Techniques
Lockdown 2 Home Learning
Week beginning 30th November 2020
Activity 1 - Retell the story of Pattan's Pumpkin using the images. Remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in your sentences.
Activity 2 - Look at the picture. Who do you think the letter is from? What do you think the letter will say?
Write a prediction using the sentence stems: I think the letter is from __________________. I think the letter will say _____________ because. . .
Activity 3 - Read through the letter and write a sentence using the sentence stem I wonder. . .
E.g. I wonder what flavour jelly Goldilocks will have.
Activity 4 - On the outside of the template write words to describe what Goldilocks looks like, her likes/dislikes and friends/enemies.
On the inside, write words to describe how she feels and how others feel in response to her actions.
Activity 5 - Write a response to Goldilocks from Baby Bear. Do you think he should forgive her? Why? Why not?
This week we are comparing addition and subtraction number sentences using the symbols > more than, < less than and = equal to.
Activity 1 - Choose a number sentence and a number from 1 - 10. Solve the number sentence using objects if needed. Then compare the total to the number sentence with the number using <, > or =.
4 + 3 > 2
8 - 4 = 4
Activity 2 - Solve the subtraction number sentence and identify a number to make the statement correct.
Activity 3 - Solve the addition and subtraction sentences using the pictures and compare using >, < or =.
Activity 4 - Ask an adult to read out the questions for you to answer.
Monday - ar phoneme
Tuesday - or phoneme
Wednesday - ur phoneme
Thursday - ow (cow) phoneme
Friday - oi phoneme
Healthy Mind, Happy Me
This week we are talking about the importance of a good bed time routine and how we feel when we've had a good nights sleep.
Write a set of instructions for a good bed time routine. Think about your own bed time routine.
First have a bath.
Then put on your pjs.
Next brush your teeth.
After that get into bed.
Finally go to sleep.
This week we are looking at creating tints and tones using paint. To create a tint we keep adding white paint and create a tone we add black paint.
If you haven't got any paint, have a go at creating light and dark tones using coloured pencils.
Resources - Week Beginning 30th November
Week beginning 23rd November 2020
Ask an adult to re-read the story of Pattan's Pumpkin found in the resources.
Activity 1 - Infer (guess) what Kanni might be thinking in this part of the story using the picture.
Activity 2 - Draw and write what you like and dislike about the story.
Activity 3 - Summarise the story by numbering the sentences in the correct order.
Activity 4 - Write a diary entry as Kanni describing her journey. Use the personal pronoun I in your sentences. For example - I started to pack my belongings into my sack ready for our journey.
Remember to use capital letters at the beginning of your sentences and for names of characters, finger spaces in between words and full stop at the end.
Monday - ar phoneme
Tuesday - or phoneme
Wednesday - ur phoneme
Thursday - ow (cow) phoneme
Friday - oi phoneme
This week we are continuing with fact families and learning to count back using a number track/number line and subtract to find the difference. Go through the lesson slides to help you with your work.
Healthy Mind, Happy Me - Anti-Bullying Week
This week we are focusing on Anti-Bullying week. Ask an adult to read through the PowerPoint.
Monday - Sort the pictures into friendly and unfriendly.
Tuesday - Read through the bullying scenarios and decide whether they show someone being kind or someone being a bully and explain why. Create a poster showing a bullying scenario and what you could do to help.
Wednesday - Draw your own Anti-Bullying Superhero. Think about their characteristics and personality.
Thursday - Write a poem using everything you have learnt this week. Here are two examples to help you.
Example 1
Friends must always be kind to everyone.
If I see a person being mean to my friends,
I will tell a teacher.
Bullying is not nice because
It might hurt people’s feelings.
Bullying is not nice.
You should never be mean
To anyone.
Example 2
Be kind to everyone
Be helpful to everyone
Be generous with your friendship
Say “sorry” if you need to
Say “stop” if you need to
Be happy and listen to your friends.
This week we are looking at how toys have changed over the last century. Cut out the pictures of the toys and arrange them in chronological order on the timeline.
This week we are going to look at comparing the properties of everyday materials. Read through the scientific vocabulary in the resource section. Choose a variety of objects and materials from around your house and sort them into two groups. E.g. Hard and Soft, Bendy and Not Bendy. Take pictures and share on Google Classroom.
This week we are looking at mixing primary colours to create secondary colours to create colour wheel. If you have paint at home, have ago at mixing the primary colours to make secondary colours.
If you don't have paint at home, use crayons, coloured pencils or felt tip pens to create your colour wheel.
Resources - Week beginning 23rd November 2020
Week Beginning 16th November 2020
Read through the story 'Pattan's Pumpkin'. We are focusing on writing sentences so complete each activity using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
The sounds we are learning this week are x , y, z and zz. Watch the videos below and have a go at reading and writing the words for each sound.
This week we are focusing on subtraction and fact families. Go through the slides and complete the work in the resources.
Healthy Mind, Happy Me - Road Safety
This week is Road Safety week. Read through the PowerPoint and create a poster on how to stay safe on the road.
RE - Diwali
Read through the PowerPoint and watch the video to find out how Diwali is celebrated. Create your own rangoli pattern or colour in one of the rangoli patterns in the resources.
We are looking at gadgets which were used in the past and the present. Sort the pictures in the resource section into past and present.
New Vocabulary
- Gadgets - electronic or mechanical device or tool that is interesting to use.
- Past - having happened or gone by at an earlier time.
- Present - existing at this time; current.
Look at the picture 'Thirty' by Wassily Kandinsky. Create your own version of this painting using different lines and black paint/pen in each box.
Resources - Week Beginning 16th November
Week Beginning 9th November 2020
English and Guided Reading
We are reading the story 'Pattan's Pumpkin'. Ask an adult to read you the story which can be found in the resources.
English - Focus on the character Kanni. Describe what she looks like, what she says and likes on the outside of the template. On the inside, describe her thoughts and feelings throughout the story.
Reading - Listen to the passage read from the story with your eyes closed. Draw what you see when you listen to the passage to illustrate this part of the story.
Research the life of Ada Lovelace - a famous mathematician using the facts in the resources.
Create your own poster with a picture of her and some interesting facts.
Find all the ways of making 10. You can do this by using 10 objects from around the house and partitioning them into two parts. Write down each of your facts on the bow of the kite e.g. 8 and 2. Find all of the facts for 10 for each bow and create your kite.
We are focusing on everyday materials. Read the everyday materials on the sheet and find objects around the house made from each of these materials. Draw a picture under the heading and label the object.
Log into numbots using your TTRockStars login.
Click on story and begin on level 1. This will help you to learn and recall number facts.
Resources - Week Beginning 9th November 2020
Week beginning 5th October 2020
This week, we will be learning to:
-Understand the meaning of greater than, less than and equal to
See video to understand greater than, less than, equal to-
- Understand part-whole method
See this video to understand "Part- whole method" -
-Use a number line
-Understanding number bonds
See worksheets below.
We are learning about the story of Christmas.
Complete the worksheet attached.
PSHE- Resilience and Coping
We are learning about change and what it means. We are thinking of what makes us happy. We are going to make our own paper suitcases and draw pictures of people or objects which make us happy onto it. Can you do this?
PSHE-Mental Wellbeing
We are learning about how we can experience balance in our lives when things seem too much. Talk with a family member about times when you feel overwhelmed. Talk about how you can overcome this. We are learning about a breathing technique called "Starfish breathing". You hold your hand out in front of you. With your index finger from your opposite hand, move it up and down each finger. As you move up, breathe in and as you move down, breathe out. See how you feel when you have done this.
Maths week beginning 5th October 2020
Week beginning 28th September 2020
In English, we have been reading the story 'The Secret Sky Garden'. Before completing this weeks activities, make sure you watch the video to hear the story.
Activity 1 - Write a postcard from Zoo to his Dad. Write in the first person using I as you are Zoo. When writing your postcard, consider:
- Who have you met?
- What have you been doing since you got off the aeroplane?
- How are you feeling?
Activity 2 - Write the story in your own words. Write a sentence for each part of the story using the pictures below.
Beginning Middle Ending
Practice reading and spelling the following words.
English Resources
In Geography, we have been looking at where we live. This week, we are going to compare the human and physical features of town and the street we live on.
New Vocabulary
Town: A built up of houses, shops and buildings where people live and work.
Location: A place.
Human Features: Things on the land that were made by people. E.g. buildings.
Physical Features: Things that are natural in place. E.g. hills, canals.
Town Street where we might live
Look at the pictures to see what is similar about the two locations and what is different. Use the word mats to help you.
Geography Resources
Healthy Mind, Happy Me
This week we are looking at disputes we might have with our friends and how we can resolve these. Ask an adult to read the Social Problem Solving Story.
- What dispute did Tabassum have?
- How was this resolved?
Healthy Mind, Happy Me Resources
In Maths, we will be learning to:
1. To count one more
2. To count one less
3. To compare amounts
4. To compare number of objects
5. To compare numbers
6. To order objects and numbers
Print off Maths worksheets to complete.
Maths worksheets week beginning 28th September 2020
Healthy Mind, Happy Me
Resilience and Coping-
We are thinking about choices we make. Complete the Choices worksheet.
Physical and Mental Wellbeing-
Discuss with a family member the meaning of the word "friend". Who are your friends? What important qualities should a friend have? Who are your friends at school? How can you rely on your friends? Draw a picture of a friend and write down their important qualities to you.
Science-We have been learning about the seasons and how they change throughout the year.
Discuss the meaning of each of these words-
- Seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter)
- Weather conditions (wind, rain, snow, hail, sleet, fog, sun, hot, warm, cold)
Discuss how the weather changes with the seasons.
The amount of daylight also changes with the seasons.
- What do you notice about daylight when you wake up compared to when you go home?
- Is it light or dark when you go to sleep in Winter?
Research the number of hours of daylight for each month.
- Which month has the most/least hours of daylight?
Week Beginning - 21st September 2020
Lockdown 1 Home Learning
Congratulations Robins
You won last week's tournament on TTRockStars.
It has been great to see lots of you taking part and there are some great scores coming from some of you. Try and practise at least 3 times a week.
A new tournament has begun! Click here to battle for this week which ends Monday 6th July 9:30am. Good luck to both classes.
Week 7 - Week Beginning 13th July 2020
Task 1 - 'All about Me' booklet about things that you like, about your family, your favourite books, what you are looking forward to next year and any worries you have about coming back to school. Please keep this to show your new teacher in September. (Booklet in resources).
Task 2 - What I have loved this year template. I would love to hear about your memories from year 1.
Task 3 - Practise cursive letter formation using the handout to show the correct letter formation.
Task 4 - Practise reading the Year 1 common exception words. Choose some words from the list and practise spelling the by using them in sentences.
Task 1 - It is very important to be able to add and subtract within 10. Use this grid to learn the addition facts off by heart before moving on to the subtractions facts. For example 2 + 3, 3 + 2 , 5 - 2 and 5 - 3.
Task 2 - Practise counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s. Begin by using the numberline before reciting them by heart.
To support this, log in to TTRockStars to practise your times tables.
Phonics/ Reading
Use the PowerPoints to recap your sounds from Phase 2 and 3.
This week I would like you to read books from your book band to practise your phonics skills using the link at the top of the page. Try and read two fiction and two non-fiction books.
Listen to the story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’.
Talk about how Gerald the giraffe showed determination when trying to achieve his goals. Ask your child what they would like to achieve next year, e.g. ‘to improve my handwriting’, ‘count in tens’ or ‘show more kindness to others’.
After this, ask your child to choose 5 things from the list which they would like to achieve during their next school year. Work together to create a poster with pictures to represent their goals.
Draw a self-portrait and create a boarder of things that you love. Put this with your 'All about Me' booklet to show your new teacher.
Week 7 - Resources
Week 6 - Week Beginning 6th July 2020
Task 1 – Write a menu for a special occasion. It could be a birthday, Christmas, Eid, Diwali or any special occasion you celebrate with your family. What could your menu look like? Find or draw pictures of the food items.
Task 2 - Write a set of instructions for making toast. Can they use time adverbs (First, Second, After that, Finally) & imperative verbs (cut, spread)?
Task 3 - Design a new label for a cereal box. Can you write information about the cereal? Think about what your cereal will taste like and describe using adjectives.
Draw pictures of what the cereal looks like, a mascot and an eye-catching logo.
Task 4 - Design a new milkshake. Your child can consider the ingredients they need to include, which ingredients work well together and an exciting name for the milkshake. They could even test out the creation and think about improvements.
Phonics/ Reading
Use the PowerPoints to recap your sounds from Phase 2 and 3.
This week I would like you to read books from your book band to practise your phonics skills using the link at the top of the page. Try and read two fiction and two non-fiction books.
Task 1 – Recognising coins.
Activity 1 - With a family member, exchange amounts of coins for others that make the same value, but using different coins.
For example:
10p = 2p, 2p, 5p, 1p
Practise giving change with different amounts.
Learn the value of each coin. Some smaller coins are worth more than larger coins, like a 10p coin is smaller than a 2p coin, but is greater in value.
Activity 2 – Order coins 1p – 20p
Task 2 – Recognising notes.
Activity 3 – See resources
Task 3 – Counting coins.
Activity 4 – Anna bought a candy cane from the sweet shop.
Which coins could she have paid with? How many different ways of doing this can you find?
Some trees lose their leaves in the Autumn however some trees keep their leaves all year round.
All trees are split into two categories: Evergreen and Deciduous.
Evergreen trees keep their leaves all year round.
Deciduous lose their leaves in Autumn.
Can you think of any trees you know and whether they are deciduous or evergreen?
Task – Read the information on the pictures and sort under the headings evergreen and deciduous. Then write a sentence to answer the questions.
- What do you know about evergreen trees?
- What do you know about deciduous trees?
Task – Draw a picture of a tree using the instructions below.
First you need to draw the trunk of your tree. Draw this lightly in pencil first, going over to make the lines darker once you are happy with it.
Next add the smaller, thinner branches that grow from the main branches. Remember branches are never straight. Some of the branches get narrower the further from the trunk they go.
Finally, you need to think how you can add colour to your tree. Have a look at a few ideas below. You might like to add your leaves using more unusual techniques like finger printing, splatter painting, using cotton buds or maybe even sponge printing.
Listen to the story ‘The same but different too’ by Karl Newson and Kate Hindley
Task - Think about one of your friends or a family member. Think of ways in which you are similar and different.
- Your likes and dislikes
- Things you can do and things you can’t
- What you look like (appearance)
Using the sheet in the resource section, draw a picture of yourself and one of your friends.
- Can you write a sentence explaining how you are different from each other?
- Can you write a sentence explaining how you are the same from each other?
Week 6 - Resources
Week 5 – Week beginning 29th June 2020
Once in a Lifetime
A man is sailing in his boat, through the air! He hears a noise and suddenly gliding into view are some giant, flying turtles.
Task 1 – What might the sky explorer experience while standing on the deck of his boat in the sky? List nouns under each heading using your senses. Challenge – Adjectives to describe your nouns.
See |
Hear |
Smell |
Touch |
Taste |
Task 2 – Can you create a job description for the job of sky explorer? Use the resource sheet or make your own to describe the job, location, benefits and working hours.
Task 3 – Read the information about the Sky Turtles and answer the questions.
Task 4 – Write your own ending to the story. Where do the turtles take him?
Task 5 – Create a sky map of where to find amazing creatures in the sky.
This week I want you to practise counting to 100, partitioning numbers into tens and ones and comparing numbers. Watch the videos to help you and find the worksheets in the resource section at the end.
Task 1 – Counting to 100.
Task 2 – Partition tens and ones.
Task 3 – Comparing objects to 100.
Task 4 – Comparing numbers to 100.
Task 1 – Read the information on animal habitats and answer the questions (see resources).
Task 2 - Use the PowerPoints to recap your sounds from Phase 2 and 3.
This week I would like you to read books from your book band to practise your phonics skills using the link at the top of the page. Try and read two fiction and two non-fiction books.
This week I would like you to become weather reporters. Each day (Monday to Friday) write a description of the weather. Remember to tell your listener how they need to dress for the weather.
Use this link to see a local weather report.
Share your weather report on Google Classroom. It could be a diary, poster or a short video of you delivering your own weather report.
Create your own fantasy indoor garden. Watch this video for ideas. Be creative and have fun!
Draw a heart and lines across the heart like a jigsaw puzzle. Fill the heart with things that are important to you and things that you love.
Week 5 - Resources
Week 4 - Week Beginning 22nd June 2020
This weeks story sees a group of meerkats lovingly tend to a beloved and unique fruit in the middle of the savannah. One day, their peaceful existence is disrupted by a vulture intent on stealing their pride and joy. Will the meerkats be able to get it back?
Task 1 – answer these questions.
- What are the meerkats looking for when they come out of hibernation?
- What does the fruit look like?
- What three words would you use to describe the setting?
- If the meerkats could talk, what might they say to each other as they stare at the fruit in the tree?
- Why do they hide as the vulture lands on the tree?
- What happened to the fruit? How?
Task 2 – Collect verbs
Verbs are often action words. They can describe physical actions and mental actions. Create a list of verbs which happen in the clip. You might need to watch the clip again. I have started a list for you to use below.
- cheering
- sleeping
- running
Task 3 – Verb Poem
This is a verb poem. It tells the story of what happened in the clip. Use the verbs from your list to create your own verb poem. Remember to use a verb at the end of each line and a full stop after the last line. How many lines can you do in your poem?
Creatures sleeping,
Animals cuddling,
Mouths yawning,
Tummy rumbling.
Task 4 - Have a look at the pictures below (meerkat, pomegranate and vulture). Write a sentence about each one. Can you put an adjective (describing word) in each?
E.g. The furry meerkat peeped out from the deep, dark burrow.
Phonics/ Reading
Use the PowerPoints to recap your sounds from Phase 2 and 3.
This week I would like you to read books from your book band to practise your phonics skills using the link at the top of the page. Try and read two fiction and two non-fiction books.
Task - Choose one of the books you have read to write a review. Think about why you liked the book. You may want to draw your own illustration of the book.
This week I want you to practise multiplication and division to see what we can remember. Watch the videos to help you and find the worksheets in the resource section at the end.
Task 1 – Solve one-step problems using arrays.
Task 2 – Sharing
Task 3 – Grouping
Task - Watch the video and then create a poster about day and night explaining why we have day and night. Play the quiz and see how many answers you can get right!
The story is set in the Savanna. Read through the PowerPoint (see resources) with a family member to find out about the African Savanna.
Task - Create a poster on the African Savanna. Your poster needs to include:
- What is the Savanna like?
- What is the weather like in the Savanna?
- What animals live in the Savanna?
Week 4 - Resources
Week 3 - Week beginning 15th June 2020
This week we are going to be looking at a short film called Bubbles. It’s about a young girl called Gabby who is walking on the beach and find a bottle of bubbles. When she blows the bubbles, she gets transported into fantasy. She has fun riding on bubbles and meets people and things on her way.
Task 1 – Draw a story map to retell the events in the story. Your story map will mostly be pictures, but you can include some key words such as Once upon a time/ Suddenly etc to help you retell the story. Practise retelling your story to a family member as this will help you when you write the story.
Task 2 – The film has no words. Write your own story of Bubbles. In your story, use adjectives to describe, conjunctions (and, but, so), write a question and think about exciting ways you can begin your sentences.
Task 3 – Imagine it was you who was walking along the beach and you found some bubbles. Where would the bubbles take you? Draw and label illustrations of where your bubbles would take you.
Task 4 – Write a setting description for one of the places your bubble takes you. In the story the bubble talks Gabby into the Ocean so you could write a setting description for here. Remember to use lots of adjectives.
Task 5 – Write your own fantasy story. When writing your story consider:
- Where you or your character are walking when you find the bubbles?
- Where the bubbles take you?
- What you do with the bubbles when you return?
You have all been doing a fantastic job with practising your times tables. Keep logging into TTRock Stars.
This week I want you to practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to see what we can remember. Watch the videos to help you and find the worksheets in the resource section at the end.
Task 1 – Counting in 2s.
Task 2 – Counting in 5s.
Task 3 – Counting in 10s.
Task 4 – Repeated addition
Read or listen to the poem ‘halfway down’ by A.A Milne.
- Why do you think Christopher Robin likes to sit on the stairs?
- Do you have a favourite place in your home where you like to sit?
- Which rhyming words can you spot in this poem?
- Can you try writing a poem about your favourite place?
Use the powerpoint to recap sounds from phase 2 and 3 daily.
Read through the ar and or powerpoints.
Task 1 - ar phoneme spotter – read through the story and list all the ar words. How many can you find?
Task 2 – or phoneme spotter – read through the story and list all the or words. How many can you find?
Brilliant Boats
● Use tinfoil to create a simple boat design. Try testing it by seeing how many coins it will hold.
● What shape makes the best boat?
● Don’t forget to recycle the tinfoil after using it!
Remember to share your photos on Google Classroom.
Week 3 - Maths resources
Week 3 - Phonics
Week 2 - Week beginning 8th June 2020
Read the story of the ‘Rainbow Fish’ together. Re-read the story to gain fluency. Can you spot any of the sounds we have been learning?
Task 1 – Rainbow fish is unique because of his shiny, colourful scales. He likes his scales because they make him feel special. Have a think about what makes you unique and special, and then make an ‘all about me’ page.
Task 2 - At the start of the story, the rainbow fish wasn’t very kind to others. The sea creatures taught him how to be a good friend. Can you write a step by step guide to being a good friend?
Task 3 - Being kind to others is one of the things that makes you a good friend. Can you think of a time one of your friends has been really kind to you? Can you write down your memory of that time?
Task 4 - There are lots of ways you can be kind to others. Write the word kindness in the middle of the page. Around the word can you write down some acts of kindness (for example helping make your lunch, holding a door open for someone or sharing one of your toys). You can decorate and draw pictures to create an act of kindness poster.
Task 5 – Write book review for somebody who hasn’t read the story Rainbow Fish. Think about the following questions.
- What did you like about the story?
- What was your favourite part of the story? Why?
Task 1 – Read the time shown and draw the hands on the clock. Then identify the time an hour or half an hour later and draw and write the time.
Task 2 – Same as task 1 but this time showing the time before.
Task 3 – Order the months of the year starting with January and finishing with December.
Task 4 – Complete the table with the days of the week using today, yesterday and tomorrow.
Continue to login to TTRockStars to practice your timestables. Try and login 3 times a week.
Enjoy listening to ‘Stuck’ by Oliver Jeffers.
and ‘Grandad’s Island’ by Benji Davies
How to Make an Egg Float
You will need:
- Fill the bowl or glass about 2/3 full with tap water.
- Drop the egg carefully into the bowl and observe it sinking to the bottom.
- Remove the egg and add about 5 tablespoons of salt, test to see if your egg floats.
- Add more salt if the egg still sinks.
Can you try other objects and see what else you can make float?
Take photos and share them on Google Classroom.
Log in to PurpleMash to see the activities set this week.
Week 2 Resources
Week 1 - Week beginning 1st June 2020
Listen to the story ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ by Giles Andreae.
Task 1 - Throughout the story, new sea creatures are introduced using short rhyming poems. Can you create a riddle about one of the sea creatures? You need to write four sentences about your animal which start hard and get easier and finish with a question.
Here is mine. Can you guess what animal it is?
I am a mammal.
I have two fins on my side and a triangular fin on my back.
I have smooth, rubbery grey skin.
I like to jump out of the ocean.
What animal am I?
Task 2 - There are many different types of sea creature in the story. Which of the sea creatures is your favourite, and why?
Task 3 - There are facts about each of the sea creatures hidden within the poems. Can you choose a sea creature from the story to research and make a fact file about it?
Task 4 - If you could have one of the sea creatures special features or skills for a day, what would you choose, and why? (for example would you have 8 arms or be able to swim underwater for a really long time?)
Task 5 - See if you can invent your own sea creature and then draw a picture of it. What features would it have? Would it have any special skills? Write sentences using adjectives to describe your sea creature to your reader.
This week I would like you to have a go at learning to tell the time. In year 1, we focus on o’clock and half past.
Task 1 - Have a think about what you do at certain times of day. For example, I wake up at half past 7 and I have my lunch at 12 o’clock. Can you list what you do at different times throughout the day?
Task 2 - You could go on a clock hunt around the house.
- Where can you find the time?
- How many clocks did you find?
- Do all the clocks look the same?
- What does the time look like on the clock?
Task 3 – Thinking about seconds, minutes and hours. Write a list of activities which you do throughout the day under each heading.
For example:
Seconds – Pick up a pencil
Minutes – Brush my teeth
Hours – Sleeping
Task 4 – Write the time shown on the clock faces and draw the hands on the clock to show the time. Remember the minute hand is long and the hour hand is short. Find the resource below.
Practise your times tables using your TT Rock Stars login.
Use the powerpoint to recap sounds from phase 2 and 3 daily.
Read through the igh and oa powerpoints and practise reading the real and alien words.
Task 1 - oa phoneme spotter – read through the story and list all the oa words. How many can you find?
Task 2 – You can either label the pictures using igh and oa words or read the words and draw your own drawing for each word.
Did you know you can also plant leftover vegetables?
If you don’t have access to seeds and soil you might like to give this a try.
Watch this video of ways to grow your own vegetables from leftovers:
Suggestions of common vegetables you can regrow from scraps include:
- Potatoes
- Onions
- Leeks
- Celery
- Carrots
- Cabbage
- Garlic
I am going to have ago at growing my own vegetables. Look out for my pictures on Google Classroom.
Task 1 - Draw and describe how your vegetable changes over time. Try and observe the vegetable at the same time each day.
Look up and use your imagination.
Find a comfy spot and relax. Look up at the sky and observe the clouds. Take time to really look at them.
- What shapes are they?
- Are they round, flat, long, thin, fat?
- Are any clouds close together or are they far apart?
- Do the shapes of the clouds look like anything, anyone or anywhere such as a person, a country, a monster or an animal?
Have a go at drawing the cloud shapes on a piece of paper and then turn them into something.
Week 1 - Resources
Online phonics lessons for Letters and Sounds.
These phonics lessons are designed to cover new phonics teaching that children would have received over the summer term.
Lessons will be live at the times below and available throughout the summer after the lesson has been uploaded.
- 10am - Phase 3/4
Although this lesson is aimed at Reception, it might be useful for your child to revisit previous work.
- 10:30am - Phase 5
For children who can confidently blend words such as 'stamp', 'chair' and 'green'.
Reading/ Phonics
I have been reading lots of books out in the sunshine. Make sure you continue to read everyday. I would love to hear what books you have been reading.
Here is a link to authors sharing some of their stories.
Here are some links so you can continue to practice your phonics at home.
Have a go at making your own rhythm using the different instruments.
Or find objects around the house and see what sounds you can make with these.
Tasks are being set on PurpleMash. Make sure you log in to see the range of activities I have set for you to complete. I have really enjoyed seeing your work so far.