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This year, KS1 SATs tests are optional. As a school, we have decided to continue to use the tests to not only inform our final end of year assessments but to also identify any gaps in learning that can be addressed in KS2. Below, you will find information about the tests. 

Testing will take place at the end of the academic year. 


The optional KS1 tests are designed to assess pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the KS1 programmes of study


The optional KS1 tests consist of:

  • English reading Paper 1: combined reading prompt and answer booklet
  • English reading Paper 2: reading booklet and reading answer booklet
  • mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic
  • mathematics Paper 2: reasoning
  • English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: spelling
  • English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: questions


The optional KS1 tests are not designed to be strictly timed. 


English reading test

There are 2 English reading papers. Both papers contain a selection of texts that are designed to increase in difficulty. They include a mixture of text types.

Paper 1 consists of a combined reading prompt and answer booklet. The test takes approximately 30 minutes.

Paper 2 consists of an answer booklet and a separate reading booklet. It contains more challenging texts than Paper 1. The test takes approximately 40 minutes.


Mathematics test

The mathematics test comprises 2 components, presented to pupils as 2 test papers.

Paper 1: arithmetic consists of a single test paper and takes approximately 20 minutes.

Paper 2: reasoning consists of a single test paper and takes approximately 35 minutes. The paper includes a practice question and 5 aural questions. After the aural questions, the time allowed for the remainder of the paper should be approximately 30 minutes.


English grammar, punctuation and spelling test

The English grammar, punctuation and spelling test includes 2 papers.

Paper 1: spelling consists of a test transcript to be read by the test administrator and an answer booklet for pupils to write 20 spellings. The test paper takes approximately 15 minutes.

Paper 2: a combined question and answer booklet focusing on pupils’ knowledge of grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. The test paper takes approximately 20 minutes.
