Spring 2 - What can i grow? / Growing.
This half term we will be focusing on stories related to growing / the natural world. We will be retelling these stories in our own words and making links between events in these stories and our home life. We will be introduced to new vocabulary known as our ' goldilocks words' during the stories. (Errol's garden / Yucky worms.)
We will be holding a phonics workshop for parents / a design and technology workshop for parents and a Mothers day picnic too!
Understanding the world...
We will be celebrating pancake day / Mothers day and the season change to Spring this half term.
We will be going on Spring walks around our environment / looking closely at natural resources and creating exploration areas in our classes.
We will also be focusing on what is needed to grow a seed and spend time growing our own beanstalks.
In Maths we will focusing on numbers to 10 / ways of representing numbers ( tens frames / numicon / objects ) We will then be comparing numbers and adding two groups together to make 10. ( Number bonds )
We will be continuing to learn how to self regulate our emotions and talk about behaviours and how our own behaviour can affect others.
This half term we are going to complete our own design and technology project / the process of designing our own Easter bonnet ending with a big parent workshop.
We are taking part in balance ability this half term which teacher us balancing skills. We are learning to ride a balance bike, progressing to a push bike.
We are continuing to have daily phonics sessions in our specific groups according to our ability following the RWI scheme. We have continuous writing and reading opportunities throughout the day during out ' continuous provision' and daily story time sessions. We will be holding a parent workshop based on our new scheme and children can show their parents how much they have progressed in phonics so far.