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Welcome to Sacred Heart Primary School

with children at its heart

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Pupil Involvement

How are pupils with SEND involved in their own education?

We aim to involve all children at our school in their own education.

For children with SEND we use a variety of strategies to achieve this, which include:


  • Involving children in setting and reviewing their individual targets at an appropriate level for their age
  • Having a range of education resources available for the child to use and select as appropriate, e.g. visual timetables, pencil grips, writing boards, communicate print, fidget toys, now and next boards, PECS, Makaton sign of the week etc.
  • Providing opportunities to develop new skills through out of hours or lunchtime clubs, participating or applying to be a part of the School Council.
  • Ensuring the child is aware of who they can go to for help.
  • Ensuring pupil voice is a key part in developing new targets for Pupil Passports.
  • Making sure Annual Reviews are child-centred and that the pupil views are at the heart of all decisions made.