Year 1
Mrs Baker, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Mohammed and Mrs Massey welcome you to the Year 1 page! Here you will find lots of information and the page is updated regularly with everything you need to know. This includes a termly newsletter, termly spellings and resources to enable you to support your child at home.
Our Curriculum Drivers
Communication Resilience Independence Courage
At Sacred Heart, our curriculum is rooted in skills that we believe will prepare our children for life beyond Year 6. Each and every lesson aims to develop children to become courageous, independent and resilient learners that can effectively communicate with their peers.
Home Readers
Children will be issued with a reading book. This is to be returned everyday. Please encourage your children to read at home. If you need any help or advice please speak with the class teacher. The reading books children bring home are directly matched to their phonic ability. Please make a comment in your child's reading record book when you hear them read.
In Year 1, P.E is on Tuesday and Friday. Please come to school with your kits on for these days. We have outdoor P.E. on Friday. You must ensure you have your outdoor P.E. kit for this day. Kit includes a plain shirt that is white or your team's colour, shorts/tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Can hair be tied back and any jewellery including earrings be removed for these days.