Parental Involvement
How are parents of children with SEND involved in the education of their child?
At Sacred Heart Primary, we value our partnership with parents. Our school aims to regularly communicate with and involve parents in the education of their child through a variety of different ways which may include:
- Regular meetings with class teachers, SENDCo and support staff.
- Target setting through Learning/Support Plans and updating Pupil Passports so that parents can see what their child is working on next and what they have achieved over the term.
- Regular termly review meetings to discuss progress and impact of support and interventions that their child has been focusing on.
- Up to date events planner so parents have an idea of what is happening over the coming term.
- Information on the school website.
- Parents’ evenings.
- Parent Workshops.
- SEND coffee mornings.
- Parents’ views on planned provision/Annual Reviews/EHCP Documents.