Year 2
Year 2 Remote Learning
Hello and welcome to our Remote Learning Page! :)
Whilst we are learning remotely, please access your Google Classroom for live lessons between 9am - 3:15pm daily and to also view and submit your assigned work each day. All live lessons can be attended through Google Classroom via the internet (simply Google 'Google Classroom' and sign in with your school email) or the Google Classroom App. We highly recommend that you also download the Google Slides App if you are using a phone to access your remote learning activities.
In addition to the classwork set each day on Google Classroom, we have uploaded simple-to-follow guides for parents/ carers which you may find useful as they are a step-by-step set of instructions which explain how to submit work. The guides can also be found here:
If you need to isolate once we are back at school, please access Google Classroom for your daily activities.
Otter's Remote Timetable
Duck's Remote Timetable
Educational Websites
Please find the websites below, which will help to further support your child's learning at home.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
The impact and experience of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has been different for everyone but there's no doubt it's been a really difficult time for us all. That's why it's so important to do what we can to look after our mental health and wellbeing – now more than ever.
We talk lots about feelings and emotions through our HMHM lessons every week. Here are some websites you could have a look at for activity ideas to do at home:
Yoga and Dance Website
You could have a look at these websites to really get moving!
Our Year 2s are really enjoying Cosmic Kids for their Yoga sessions All the videos can be found in the link below :)
This week in maths we will be counting in multiples of 2, 5, 10 and 3
Monday: Counting in 2s
Tuesday: Counting in 5s
Wednesday: Counting in 10s
Thursday: Counting in 3s
Friday: Unit assessment
This week in Maths we will be looking at place value of numbers, comparing numbers and ordering numbers.
In English we will be continuing with the story about Beegu. We will be collecting vocabulary and writing a description.
Can you fill in the missing capital letters?
ICT- this week we will be looking at keeping safe on the internet.
Watch Hector's World-
Make a poster of how to keep safe on the internet.
HMHM Friendship
This week we shall focus on measuring! There are lots of different ways we can measure. We can measure length, height, mass, time, volume and capacity.
Mass - how much something weighs - is it heavy or light? We measure this is grams (g) and kilograms (kg). 1000g = 1kg.
Capacity means the maximum amount that something can contain. So a bottle of fizzy pop for example would have a capacity of 2 litres because this is the maximum amount it can contain.
Volume is the amount of space something takes. If had drank half of this bottle, the capacity is 2L but the volume would be 1L.
1000ml = 1L
Lesson 1: this lesson focuses on measuring mass in grams. When we measure small objects that are light, we can measure in grams.
Lesson 2: this lesson focuses on measuring mass in kilograms. When we measure large objects (more than 1000g) we can measure in kilograms (kg).
Lesson 3: this lesson focuses on measuring capacity in litres and millilitres.
Lesson 4: this lesson focuses on how to estimate and measure volume and capacity in millilitres
Lesson 5: this lesson focuses on how to estimate and measure volume and capacity in litres.
Story Time
What happens when you leave your toys out in the garden at night? They get beamed up into space, that's what! Meet the Cowboy, the WonderDoll, the Dinosaur and all the gang as they travel the stars and help out one lonely alien along the way...
The toys explain to the alien that the toys should be returned to their real homes. Why is stealing wrong?
When WonderDoll's story begins, a range of adjectives are used to describe the toys (e.g. resourceful, brave, clever...). Can you make a list of these and add your own adjectives. Use a thesaurus to find some more.English
This week we will be looking at Superworm!
Never fear, Superworm's here! He can fish Spider out of a well, and rescue Toad from a busy road. But who will come to Superworm's rescue, when he's captured by a wicked Wizard Lizard? Luckily, all of Superworm's insect friends have a cunning plan...
Task 1- Make a list of words and phrases that are used to describe Superworm.
Task 2- Think of some questions that you might like to ask Superworm. How might he respond?
Task 3- Use the book to create a collection of rhyming words and phrases.
Task 4- Write a newspaper report about one of the times when Superhero comes to the rescue.
Task 5- Write a new adventure for Superworm.
Remember the work we did on food chains? Create a food chain that includes some of the animals in the story.
Design another super mini-beast. You could have a super ladybird or super bee.
Purple mash
Use purplemash to design a superhero cape.
I'm sure yours will be better than mine! Remember to send photos to google classroom.
This week we will look at a story written by Oliver Jeffers. It is called ‘Stuck’.
It’s about a boy called Floyd. Floyd gets his kite stuck up a tree. He throws up his shoe to shift it, but that gets stuck too. So he throws up his other shoe and that gets stuck, along with… a ladder, a pot of paint, the kitchen sink, an orang-utan and a whale, amongst other things! Will Floyd ever get his kite back?
Task 1- Write your likes and dislikes about this story.
Task 2- What puzzles you about this story? Write some questions you would like to know the answers to about this story.
Task 3- Add speech to show what Floyd is thinking and thought bubble to show what he is thinking. (See attached sheet)
Task 4- Write the story that explains how the different people / animals / objects got themselves out of the tree.
Task 5- Write your own story with the title 'STUCK'? Who / what might get stuck? How might they be rescued?
D&T/ Science
Try to make your own kite and find out how it stays in the air.
Remember to send photos to google classroom
Floyd isn't very good at throwing things into the tree. Can you design a game which might help improve your throwing skills? Could you have a competition with your family in which you have to hit a target? Can you write a set of instructions?
Here are some examples-
Remember photos for google classroom.
See if you can create a picture of kites flying through the sky. You could draw, paint or use different materials. Remember to send photos into google classroom.
Week Beginning: 24/6/2020- 1/7/2020
Last week we looked at 2D and 3D shapes. This is learning we had not completed in class and was new learning. If you have not seen this already, please scroll down and complete the tasks.
This week we will also be looking at some new learning. We are going to be focusing on measurement. This week will focus on "Length and Height".
Task 1: In this lesson the focus is on making sense of centimetres and metres as units of length. You will need a ruler for this lesson.
Task 2: In this lesson we will think carefully about comparing lengths. You will also learn to compare lengths that are written as numbers.
Task 3: In this lesson we will be solving problems involving length and height.
This week we will be looking at the book called ‘The Troll’. It is about a troll and some pirates. The troll in this story is based on the troll from the Three Billy Goats Gruff fairy tale.
Task 1: Write a story that explains where the troll came from.
Task 2: Can you find any synonyms for 'walking' in the story (e.g. trip-trapping, scuttling).
Task 3: Can you find any examples of connectives in the story?
Task 4: Put the connectives you find into your own sentences.
Task 5: Create a recipe to go in the troll's cookery book.
Have a go with at making these pirate cookies with a grown up.
Pirate cookies
Makes about 40
75 g butter or margarine
200 ml Brown Sugar
1 egg
175 ml flour
2 tsp Vanilla Sugar
1 pinch salt
100 ml Smarties
- Beat the butter and sugar fluffy with an electric whisk.
- Add the egg.
- Mix together the other ingredients and work them into the mixture.
- Using a tablespoon, place small mounds of mixture on baking trays lined with baking parchment.
- Bake in centre of oven at 200°C for about 10 minutes.
- Leave to cool on a rack.
Have a go at making a pirate ship.
Remember to send photos to google classroom.
Use a paper plate to create a pirate face picture.
Send your pictures to google classroom.
Story Time
A little mouse wants to be noticed and thinks that the way to achieve this must be to learn how to roar like the lion who all the animals appear to admire. But which is the only animal who can really teach him this? The resulting encounter turns out to be life changing for both creatures. The rhyming text encourages a lot of prediction and the language is enjoyable and playful. This extends into the way the font size is used to emphasis certain words.
If you like this book you may also like other books by this author.
The Koala Who Could
The Squirrels Who Squabbled
The Way Home for Wolf
Before reading:
Look at the front cover and discuss what the story might be about.
What do the title and cover illustrations tell us?
Does the description on the back cover give more information?
Think of words / phrases to describe the mouse, the lion and the settings in this story. Look through the text to find words and phrases that the author uses.
- Retell the story from the mouse’s point of view.
- Think of words / phrases to describe the mouse, the lion and the settings in this story. Look through the text to find words and phrases that the author uses.
- Create a food chain that includes some of the creatures in the illustrations.
- Create some animal puppets and use them to retell the story.
- Look at the facial expression of the animals in each illustration. Can you take photographs of yourself (or a friend) showing different facial expressions and use these as the starting point for your own illustrations?
Healthy Mind Happy Me
The mouse is so tiny that nobody ever notices him. How do you think this makes him feel?
The mouse overcomes his fears and goes to the lion for help. Can you think of a time when you have overcome your fears? How did you feel? What was the outcome? What advice would you give to others?
The mouse realises that “if you want things to change, you first have to change YOU.” What does this mean?
The lion is the ‘head of the pack’. Think about the people who are important in your life. Why are they important?
The lion impresses all of the other animals. Think of somebody who impresses you. How could you impress someone?
Week beginning 17.6.20 - 24.6.20
This week will be looking at a short film called Caterpillar shoes. It is a story about a caterpillar. He is very hungry, all he does all day is walk and eat and walk and eat. On every pair of feet, a pair of tiny shoes he wears!
Task 1 – answer these questions:
What do caterpillars do?
What has he got on his feet?
Why does he want to give away his shoes?
What shoes does he give to the woodlouse? Why does he give him these ones? How do we know the woodlouse likes them?
Why do worms not need any shoes?
Why does he give the beetle party shoes?
Why did the snail only take one shoe?
Which shoes would you prefer? Why?
Task 2- Design shoes for a mini beast of your choice.
Task 3- Write a letter from one of the creatures to the caterpillar thanking him for the shoes.
Task 4- Use the internet to research any 3 of the mini-beasts from the story.
Task 5- Present your research as a non-chronological report.
This week to follow on from our English work I would like you to find out about the life cycle of a butterfly. Use the internet to help you and find a creative way to show the life cycle.
Look at these examples to help you.
Remember to post pictures on Google Classroom.
This week use purple mash to create colourful pictures of a caterpillar and a butterfly. Remember to post pictures on Google Classroom.
This week we will focus on 2D and 3D shapes!
We are going to be looking at the properties of shapes. This means we can describe them.
We can describe properties by counting their vertices, sides and looking at their lines of symmetry.
A vertex is a point where two or more lines meet. The plural of vertex is vertices
This is a rectangle. It has 4 sides and 4 vertices.
Look at the shapes below. Can you name the shapes and describe their properties?
Remember 2D shapes are flat. They can not be picked up.
What are these 2D shapes?
How many sides?
How many vertices?
What else can you see?
What is the same?
What is different?
Some shapes have straight sides, some shapes have curved sides.
Below is an activity you can complete. For parents/adults supporting your child, there are questions on the left you can ask. There are 3 activities - the deeper the submarine - the deeper the level of thinking.
3D shapes
We also need to be able to describe properties of 3D shapes.
Follow this link and watch the video to find the difference between a 2D and a 3D shape:
3D shapes have faces, edges and vertices (corners).
Faces - A face is a flat surface on a 3D shape. For example a cube has 6 faces.
Edges - An edge is where two faces meet. For example a cube has 12 edges.
Vertices - A vertex is a corner where edges meet. The plural is vertices. For example a cube has 8 vertices.
3D shapes have three dimensions - length, width and depth.
Activity 1: You could go on a shape hunt around your home. Here are some examples:
Can you find more?
To play the next game, click across to shape and enjoy :)
Activity 2:
Play guess my shape. Think of a shape and describe it to a friend or adult. Use clues such as "I am thinking of a shape. It is a 3D shape. It has 6 square faces. It has 12 edges and 8 vertices. What am I?"
Below is a resource to remember the properties.
Story Time
Story time is one of our favourite times of the day. Please make sure to read to your child as regularly as possible. It is also important for children to be reading regularly too.
This week's book follows our shape theme.
Before reading discussion:
- Front cover
- What do you think this book might be about?
- What is the shape on the front cover?
- Is there a title written there?
- What is the shape of the book?
During reading discussion:
- Follow the direction of the characters’ movement left to right, then right to left.
- Discuss the question posed on last page.
After reading:
- Paint a picture using two shapes. Choose your shapes and use stencil printing with paints.
- Talk about tricks you have played on friends, or friends have played on you.
- This is a book about friendship. Write your own story about you and a friend playing together, or draw a picture.
- Go outside and see what shapes your can see in your environment.
Healthy Mind, Happy Me
Kindness brings huge benefits for everyone! If you make someone feel good, you feel good as a result of your actions. Those that see what you are doing are inspired to act kindly themselves. How many of these challenges can you complete? You could share your random acts of kindness with your teachers on Google Classroom
- Take something you no longer use to a charity shop. Try to find something good that you have liked a lot that the shop will be able to sell.
- Say good morning or good afternoon, with a smile, to as many people as you can. (socially distanced of course!)
- Write a letter to someone you care about. Tell them you miss them and look forward to seeing them soon. You could include a nice drawing.
- Think of something nice to say to each of your family members and friends.
- Make a card for a friend telling them something you like about them.
- Make a tasty treat or thank you card to give to the post person
- Give someone a book you like that you think they would too.
- Ask, “How can I help?”
- Say thank you to someone doing their job - a bus driver, a post person, a shopkeeper or your parents.
This week we are going to be looking at a short film called The Way Back Home. It's about a young boy who builds himself a rocket and sends himself off to Space. He lands on a faraway planet. His spaceship breaks down, a friendly alien lands and he breaks down too. The little boy parachutes to earth to get some tools to fix the ship. He gets back by way of a huge ladder, fixes the machines and then they both fly off.
Task 1- Write a recount of the adventure the boy has.
Task 2- Write a holiday brochure page for visiting the moon.
Task 3- Design your own alien .
Task 4- Write a description of your alien.
Task 5- Write speech bubbles to show what the boy and the alien are saying to each other.
This week we will look at fractions. Follow the link here for a refresher on Fractions before you begin.
This may be brand new learning for some of you. Remember in Year 1, you will have looked at a half and a whole.
This link will take you to a video to learn all about fractions for year 2.
More resources to help embed fractions can be found here:
This week could you also focus on telling the time. We looked at this a couple of weeks ago so let's see if we can remember and use this throughout the week to embed this new learning!
In Year 2, to meet the expected standard, children must be able to tell the time at o'clock, half past, and quarter to. For greater depth, children are expected to tell the time to the nearest five minutes e.g. 25 past 1, 20 to 3 etc.
Useful facts for children to learn:
60 seconds in 1 minute
60 minutes in 1 hour
24 hours in 1 day
7 days a week
12 months in a year.
Challenge 1:
Challenge 2:
This week to link with our English work have a go at making a balloon rocket.
Follow the instructions on the video.
What happened?
How do you think it happened?
Remember to post pictures on Google Classroom
Have a go at drawing or making a rocket.
Remember to share pictures of your art work on Google Classroom
Story Time
Read the story again, this time leaving spaces for children to join in with the repeated phrases.
After hearing the story a few times, children will get to know it well. Encourage them tell it to you in their own words, with some words or phrases from the story, using the pictures to help them.
Talk about the story
Talk about the different animals in the story
What does baby owl’s mummy look like?
Story play
Children can use animal toys for the owl, squirrel and other animals to act out the story. It’s a really good way for them to get to know the story well and helps to build their confidence with books. They could also use finger puppets to tell the story.
Make a flap scene
Using paper or card and coloured pens, children can make a book to retell the story in their own words and pictures.
Make a game
Download the game sheet and cut out the cards to play a pairs game, matching the baby animals to their mothers. Then play the game by placing the cards face down so children need to remember where the cards are to match them.
If you liked this book why not try some other books by Chris Haughton:
To find out more about the author, Chris Haughton, click here.
Healthy Mind, Happy Me
Sensory Walk
This is an activity you can do if you are on a family walk. Make sure you keep safe with a responsible adult and have fun getting messy!
Story Time
Leonard does not conform to the stereotype of how a lion should behave.
Please click here to take you to Bitesize BBC lessons which follow the Year 2 Curriculum in the same sequence we would have been learning in school. For some, this will be brand new learning so watch the videos and take part in the tasks each day.
This week, it would be good to practise looking at and describing arrays. will help with videos and reminding yourself of what we did.
Our learning journey for arrays began with groups.
We said that there are 3 groups with 5 in each. This would mean there are 3 groups of 5.
We also know that this is 5 + 5 + 5.
3 groups of 5 can be written as 3 x 5.
3 x 5 = 15
5 + 5 + 5 = 15
We also learnt that multiplication can be done in any order so that 3 x 5 = 5 x 3. We will always get the same answer.
This shows that there are 5 groups with 2 in each group. We can say 5 groups of 2 or 5 x 2.
We know that 5 x 2 is 10
We can also write this as 2+2+2+2+2.
We then moved on to an array. This is exactly the same but we put the groups into rows.
Here, we can say that there are 3 rows of 5 sweets or 3 x 5 sweets. This would total 15.
We could also write it as 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 or 15 = 5 + 5 + 5.
We can turn the array around to show the commutative law of multiplication (that we can swap the numbers around and still equal the same).
Now we have 5 rows of 3 sweets or 5 x 3 = 15 sweets.
This shows that 3 x 5 is the same as 5 x 3.
3 x 5 = 5 x 3.
We then took our learning further my looking at division.
When dividing we always start with our whole. Remember that dividing means we are sharing or grouping.
When we group we read the ÷ as "put into groups of"
This shows 15 put into groups of 5 is 3.
When we share we read the ÷ as "shared between"
15 sweets shared between 3 people is 5. Each person gets 5 sweets
Remember division cannot be done in any order.
Now try writing the multiplication, division and repeated addition sentences for each array.
for example:
5 x 3 = 15 3 x 5 = 15 15 ÷ 3 = 5 15 ÷ 5 = 3 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 5 + 5 + 5
This week we will be reading, following and writing instructions.
Task 1- Read the instructions for making a Greek-style Salad then answer the questions. (Link below)
Task 2- Follow the instructions for making a jam sandwich.
Task 3- Can you rewrite the instructions adding more detail- try to use conjunctions and adverbs.
Task 4- Write a set of instructions of how to wash your hands.
Task 5- Create a poster to show your instructions of how to wash your hands.
Greek Salad instructions comprehension
This week we are going to look at the importance of washing your hands. Follow the method to see what happens. Remember to post your pictures on Google Classroom.
You can access online learning with BBC Bitesize complete with videos at:
This unit we are currently looking at falls under Computer Science
You will need to have completed all previous weeks before beginning today.
Timers and Repeating code
To understand the meaning of repeat in 2Code.
To understand how a timer works in 2Code.
Success criteria
Children can create a computer program including a repeat and a timer. Repeat and Timer example code.
Click on:
1. What do you think ‘repeat’ means. How can you make a Beebot move in a square shape?
Write the instructions without using repeat then refine the instructions to use repeat.
2. Look at the Repeat and Timer example using the link above. Can you see the repeat command used to make the turtle move?
3. Play the code. The turtle moves very quickly. You can slow it down (though it will stop the timer part of the program working properly). To see this, click on the foot picture in the top menu bar before pressing play. Then in play mode look for the speed slider on the bottom right and set it to slow, then press the play button above the slider
4. Try to make your own turtle move in a square pattern.
5. Look at the code for the princess in the example, this uses timers to make the princess move in a certain way.
6. In the last part of the program, when the turtle and princess collide, there is a ‘splat!’ sound and the turtle hides (he has been squashed).
7. Open free code Chimp on the board and recreate the following program using the timer.
Add a final timer that makes the other hero say ‘Woo Hoo!’ every 5 seconds.
8. In the Chimp guided activities, the use of the timer is introduced in a video in Step 5 of ‘Princess and the Frog’, and the ‘Tick Tock Clock’ and ‘Magician’ activities also use a timer. You can look at these with you they need more guidance or ideas or you could work on these activities.
9. Children should have the chance to design a simple program using repeat or timers and create their design as a program. Here are examples of designs that you could use to explain how to design:
A note about design: encourage children to think through their designs and annotate them including their confidence in coding what they have designed (red, amber, green), this will give you feedback on areas that children need help with and help to ensure that children create realistic designs and successful programs for their skill level.
Art- hand print pictures
Have a go at making pictures out of hand prints. You could use paint or draw around your hands. Remember to share your pictures on Google Classroom.
This week we are going to look at a story called Gorilla by Anthony Browne.
Gorilla is about a little girl called Hannah who loves gorillas. She wants to spend time with her Daddy but he is always too busy. Listen to the story and find out what happens the night before Hannah's birthday.
Task 1- Listen to the story. Hannah's feelings change throughout the story. Find when she is happy and when she is sad.
Task 2- At the end of the story it is Hannah's birthday. Write a short story of what happens when Hannah goes to the zoo with her Daddy.
Task 3- Hannah's favourite animal is the gorilla. Use the internet to find out facts about gorillas.
Task 4- Present your information about gorillas on Purple Mash.
Task 5- Hannah loves going to the zoo to see the primates, however in the pictures they look sad. Do you think zoos are a good thing? Why? Use the internet to find facts to support your idea.
This week I think it is time that we looked back at our number bonds.
You should all know your number bonds to 10 from year 1.
10+0, 9+1, 8+2, 7+3, 6+4, 5+5, 4+6, 3+7, 2+8, 1+9, 0+10
Follow the link below to watch videos and follow the recommended activities.
Key Instant Recall Fact:
Remember to keep learning your doubles and halves.
I know doubles and halves of numbers to 20.
0 + 0 = 0 ½ of 0 = 0
1 + 1 = 1 ½ of 2 = 1
2 + 2 = 4 ½ of 6 = 3
3 + 3 = 6 ½ of 8 = 4
4 + 4 = 8 ½ of 10 = 5
5 + 5 = 10 ½ of 12 = 6
6 + 6 = 12 ½ of 14 = 7
7 + 7 = 14 ½ of 16 = 8
8 + 8 = 16 ½ of 18 = 9
9 + 9 = 18 ½ of 20 = 10
10 + 10 = 20
11 + 11 = 22
12 + 12 = 24
13 + 13 = 26
14 + 14 = 28
15 + 15 = 30
16 + 16 = 32
17 + 17 = 34
18 + 18 = 36
19 + 19 = 38
20 + 20 = 40
Key Vocabulary What is double 9? What is half of 14? Top Tips Use what you already know
Encourage your child to find the connection between the 2 times table and double facts.
Ping Pong – In this game, the parent says, “Ping,” and the child replies, “Pong.” Then the parent says a number and the child doubles it. For a harder version, the adult can say, “Pong.” The child replies, “Ping,” and then halves the next number given.
Practise online – Go to and see how many questions you can answer in just 90 seconds.
Try and read as much as you can each day to a family member or even to yourself. Don't worry if you don't have access to any books, I have attached a link below. There are lots of books on here, that can be read to you.
This week listen to some of Great poems for children- elementary.
Which of the poems are your favourite- why?
This week have a look at the work by Andy Goldsworthy. He creates pictures using natural materials such as leaves, sticks, flowers and rocks.
See if you can go out and collect some materials and create our own art work. Remember to send photos to google classroom.
Geography 18.5.20
What is an island? What are the four countries of the UK?
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and NI includes the island of Great Britain and the north eastern part of the island of Ireland and many smaller islands.
Using google maps, locate some of the main islands such as Britain, Anglesey, Isle of Wight, Channel Islands, Skye, Orkney, Shetland and the Isle of Man. Pinpoint our location and discuss location of these islands using compass directions.
Think about:
How could we describe the islands?
How is an island different from the mainland?
How do people get to an island?
Why types of transport would be used to get to an island?
What transport would be used on the island itself?
Discuss why some methods of transports have benefits.
Orkney Islands
There are about 70 islands in the Orkneys but only 20 have people living on them. As explained in the video, the largest island is mainland and the capital is Kirkwall.
Watch the video again and note down 3 facts.
Your task:
Similarities and differences: make a list of the similarities and differences between islands and Tipton under headings such as houses, physical landscape, people, and traffic.
What would you like about living on a small island?
What would you miss?
What would be difficult to do?
You will need to have completed all previous learning before continuing.
Aim -
To use Collision Detection to make objects stop moving when they collide and play a sound when this happens.
Show two real-life objects (either real people moving towards each other or objects in your hand). Are the objects moving in the same direction? What will happen when the objects meet? Collide means when two objects 'hit' each other/make contact.
We are doing the same in our game; when two objects collide, we want them to stop and we want to hear a sound on impact.
Open the Free Code Chimp area and add a background and two characters using Design Mode just like last week.
Switch to Code Mode and look at the various coding options on the left-hand side of the screen. Which one could we use to make something happen when the objects collide?
Watch and discuss the Collision Detection video.
Recreate a collision between two objects. Why can’t we put the Collision Detection command in first? We must build the code first; make some code so that the characters are moving towards each other then can we add the Collision Detection.
Explore some of the possible things that could happen when two objects collide:
- One or other or both stop
- One or other or both hide (e.g. a spaceman moving towards a rocket: upon collision, the spaceman hides, making it look as if he went into the rocket).
- One or other or both move differently (change direction)
- Background image could change (drag the code block into the collision detection block)
- A sound could play (drag the sound code block into the collision detection block)
- A message could print to the screen or an alert box could appear (drag the print to screen or alert code blocks into the collision detection block)
Some children could make a combination of actions happen upon collision e.g. a sound and an action
You should decide upon something that they would like their objects to do. This could be in the form of a written design or by discussing their plans. They should then work on their devices to build up the code and add a Collision Detection command following their design. 7. For more practice of this concept see Chimp lessons ‘Guard the Castle’ and ‘Princess and the Frog’ which also use Collision Detection.
Have fun! We would love to see some of your work so remember to save on Purple Mash
Here are some new tasks for you to have a go at this week (week beginning 11/5/2020)
This week in English we are going to be watching a short film that is based on a picture book called ‘Tuesday’ by David Wiesner. It doesn’t have many words but the story is told through the beautiful pictures
Task 1- Write what you like and what you dislike about this story.
Task 2- Choose a part of the story and write noun phrases to describe what you can see.
Task 3- Look at the picture of the toad – What do you think he would be thinking and saying?(See the Sheet below)
Task 4- This is a picture book, can you write the story of what happens in your own words?
Task 5- The main characters in this story are toads. Can you find 5 interesting facts about toads?
Maths week beginning 11.5.20
Telling the time.
This week we would have begun our learning journey to begin to tell the time. In year 1 you would have learnt to tell the time at o'clock and half past.
In year 2:
- tell and write the time to five minutes (greater depth) including quarter past / to the hour (expected standard)
- draw the hands on a clock to show these times
- know the number of minutes in an hour and hours in a day
This week it would be great for you to work with your parents/carers to learn how to tell the time.
Some tips for parents:
- Draw attention to time. Mention the time at different points in the day. For example, you could say, ‘it’s 5 o’clock – time for tea,’ or ‘it’s 7 o’clock – time for a bath.’
- Do fun activities that include measuring time:
- use a timer for baking
- play a board game with a sand timer
- use a stop watch to time a race or challenge
- Make sure your child is confident with numbers and counting from 1–60 as this will make telling the time easier. Practising the five times table will also be a big help.
- Start with analogue clocks rather than digital clocks. Focus on telling time to the hour and half hour.
- Put a clock in your child’s bedroom. Ideally it should have a clear hour hand and half hour hand as this will help them to understand that the short hand shows the hour and the long hand shows the minutes.
- Talk about what you regularly do at different times in the day. Compare and contrast weekdays and weekends, if there are differences. Use time vocabulary such as today, yesterday, now, afterwards.
- Let your child remind you that it’s time to do something!
Try and read as much as you can each day to a family member or even to yourself. Don't worry if you don't have access to any books, I have attached a link below. There are lots of books on here, that can be read to you.
This week listen to Littlest Listeners- 'Stone Soup'.
What do you like about the story?
What can we learn from the story? What is the moral?
This week for Science we are going to start to find out what plants need to grow.
If you can get some seeds, set up your own experiment. Try growing seeds with light (putting them on a sunny window sill) and without light (putting them in a dark cupboard). Remember to water them!
What do you think will happen? Why?
What happened?
Do plants need sun to grow?
If you can’t get any seeds- go to this website to find out what plants need to grow healthily.
Can you make a leaflet about what is needed to help a plant grow healthily?
To link with our plants topic in Science, this week I would love to see you draw or paint some flowers. We have looked at Vincent van Gogh in class before. What can you remember about him? He painted the picture 'Sunflowers'. See if you can have a go at drawing some sunflowers in the style of Vincent van Gogh. Share your pictures on our google classroom.
Computing Lesson 2
You will need to have looked at and completed lesson 1 to be ready to move on.
In this lesson you will use Design Mode to add and change backgrounds and characters. They will use the Properties table to change the look of the objects.
Free Code Chimp is different to the Chimp lessons because we have the freedom to create our own games and we can pick how we want our games to look. Discuss any computer games that the children have played.
You are going to be programmers and your job is to create your own simple program. We need to think about how our games will look. Just like pages in a book, a game needs to have a background. What else do games need? Discuss the use of characters in games and the purpose of some games (e.g. to collect things, save other characters, get onto another level or into another world).
Today you will use Design View and the Code Mode in 2Code that you saw last week. On Free Code the design is blank because we must choose the background and characters.
If we want to add a background we need to go into design view (top right) and then press the Background button (small TV symbol bottom left). To change your background, double click the question mark in the properties. Choose a background.
Add a character to your background by dragging it across. To change the character image, double click on the character and use the drop-down menu.
Look at some of the challenge cards below, you can use these as ideas or recreate them.
Could you write down what each character might do? e.g. ‘when clicked, move up’.
Once you have a design for your program, open up Free Code Chimp and try to recreate their design.
You can save your screen by pressing the Save button (the blue floppy disk) at the top of the screen and saving into My Work. If they have not used Purple Mash to save before then they will need time to practise this.
This week we are going to use our maps to locate a popular tourist destination in the U.K.
Where is St. Ives? This is the resort we are going to focus on today from the comfort of your own homes. Where is Cornwall? Can you use GoogleMaps to locate this? How do we know where the coast is?
Cornwall is the southern most point of England and is a bay.
What things might you see if we visited St. Ives? What things would be physical/human features?
Use a town map of St Ives using Google Maps at 100m. What can we see?
Watch: and look at photographs of St Ives. What can you see here? Make a list of all the different features you can see, you may want to list these as human features and physical features. What can you see going on? What different attractions are there?
What do you think of St Ives?
What is the weather like?
Why do you think tourists like to visit St Ives?
Do you think you would like to visit?
What activity would you choose to do there?
Task: Imagine that you are going to do a guided tour of St. Ives and plan your own trip around the town. You need to make sure to visit around 4-6 the key locations, interpret map symbols and compass directions. Can you describe your route using North, South, East and West?
Here are some new tasks for you to have a go at this week (week beginning 4/5/2020)
Hi everyone- this week for English we are going to have a look at one of my favourite action stories- Traction Man is Here! It’s about an action figure who has lots of exciting adventures and helps to save things around the house.
Task 1- Write a character description of Traction Man.
Task 2- Look at Traction Man throughout the story, can you create a set of thought bubbles or speech bubbles to explain how Traction Man is feeling?
Task 3- Design a new super hero costume for Traction Man.
Task 4- Write a story about a new Traction Man adventure.
Task 5- At the end of the story, an evil pair of scissors is approaching Traction Man and Scrubbing Brush. Write what you think happens next.
This week have a go at painting a rainbow on a pebble. Send photos of your pebble in to Google Classroom.
When we come back to school you could bring in your pebble and we could put them on display for everyone to see.
This week we are going to look at parts of a plant. Label the picture then research the jobs of each of the parts.
Here are some new tasks for you to have a go at this week (week beginning 27/4/2020)
This week for English we are going to have some fun. We are going to look at some performance poetry. The poem we are going to look at is called ‘Gran can you rap’.
Task 1- practice reading the poem- try singing it in the style of a rap. Then perform it to the rest of your family.
Task 2- get your family involved- practice the poem as a family and perform it together. – Remember you can up load photos and videos on to google classroom!
Task 3- Draw a picture of what Gran in the poem might look like and write a character description.
Task 4- Try to write your own poem- ‘Mom can your rap’ or ‘Dad can you rap’. Try and make it funny.
Task 5- perform your own rap to the rest of your family.
I look forward to seeing your performances and reading your new poems. Have fun!
Gran…Can you Rap?
Gran was in her chair she was taking a nap
When I tapped her on the shoulder to see if she could rap.
Gran can you rap? Can you rap? Can you Gran?
And she opened one eye and she said to me, Man,
I'm the best rapping Gran this world's ever seen
I'm a tip-top, slip-slap, rap-rap queen.
And she rose from the chair in the corner of the room
And she started to rap with a bim-bam-boom,
And she rolled up her eyes and she rolled round her head
And as she rolled by this is what she said,
I'm the best rapping gran this world's ever seen
I'm a nip-nap, yip-yap, rap-rap queen.
Then she rapped past my Dad and she rapped past my mother,
She rapped past me and my little baby brother.
She rapped her arms narrow she rapped her arms wide,
She rapped through the door and she rapped outside.
She's the best rapping Gran this world's ever seen
She's a drip-drop, trip-trap, rap-rap queen.
She rapped down the garden she rapped down the street,
The neighbours all cheered and they tapped their feet.
She rapped through the traffic lights as they turned red
As she rapped round the corner this is what she said,
I'm the best rapping Gran this world's ever seen
I'm a flip-flop, hip-hop, rap-rap queen.
She rapped down the lane she rapped up the hill,
And as she disappeared she was rapping still.
I could hear Gran's voice saying, Listen Man,
Listen to the rapping of the rap-rap Gran.
I'm the best rapping Gran this world's ever seen
I'm a -
tip-top, slip-slap,
nip-nap, yip-yap,
hip-hop, trip-trap,
touch yer cap,
take a nap,
happy, happy, happy, happy,
Some of us have been a little worried about staying at home and not seeing all our family, friends and teachers. Why don't you make some worry dolls? These are great to share your worries with and might make you feel better.
This week for Science we are going to start looking at plants. Look in your garden or out and about when you go on a walk for different plants and trees. Can you find out the names of them? Choose a tree and draw it. Can you use the internet to find out what type of tree it is? Look carefully at the leaves on the tree. Can you do a detailed drawing? If you can get one of the leaves you could do a leaf rubbing picture or a leaf print picture.
Before we were asked to stay at home, we began learning about measures in class. I was so excited to teach you these lessons because we had some exciting challenges to complete such as finding out and proving whether a double decker bus would fit inside our classroom!
Please use the link below to access White Rose Maths daily lesson plans. There are videos for each lesson to assist with any new learning that may crop up.
If you have a tape measure or a ruler at home you could create a list of things that are bigger than a metre and things that are smaller than a metre. If you only have a ruler try and find things that are shorter than 10cm or longer than 10cm. Can you estimate the length before measuring?
Consolidation of previous skills:
A while ago, we learnt to add two digit numbers together. This included numbers that crossed ten and numbers that did not cross ten. We also learnt lots of methods for each.
1. A tens add a tens e.g. 20 + 30 or 40 + 50
We learnt a little trick with this. We can make this look so much easier! 20 is the same as 2 tens. 30 is the same as 3 tens. We can therefore say that 2 tens add 3 tens is 5 tens or 2+3=5 but we must remember to make the number ten times bigger at the end!
so for 40 + 50
"I know that 4+5=9 so 40+50=90.
2. Two digit number add a tens e.g. 24 + 20 or 53 + 30
We know that we can do this mentally in our heads by adding the tens and then the ones together
24 + 20
20 + 20 =40
40 + 4 = 44
3. Two digit number add a two digit number not crossing ten e.g. 23 + 32
We always check the ones first. We check to see if they are going to go past 10 or not. We can use our number bonds here. 3 ones plus 2 ones equals 5 ones. We are not going to cross ten. Again, we can mentally solve this by partitioning by adding the ones first, then the tens.
4. Two digit number add a two digit number crossing ten e.g 49 + 24
We learnt lots of different methods for this. First we check the ones. 9+1 is a bond to 10 so we know 9+4 is going to go further. We can do a number line or the column method remembering to exchange 10 ones for one ten!
Here is a revision booklet that will cover all these different methods.
Last week we looked at the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. Can you remember all 4? Where are they located on the map? Scroll down if you need a reminder!
This week we are going to be looking at each country and the seasides that they have there.
Task 1: Using Google Maps - can you find where Tipton is in the UK. What city is near? Is it far from London? What direction would we go in to get to the nearest seaside? North, South, East or West?
Task: Using Google Maps and the skills taught in lesson, find 2 seaside towns that are located in each of the four countries of the UK: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
You may wish to look on some live webcams from these areas. This will show you what is happening there right now. Remember, not much might be happening because we are all meant to be staying out. Here is a webcam live from Blackpool.
For each seaside town you locate, think about the following questions:
What can you see here?
What physical and human features can be seen?
What is the weather like?
What are people doing?
What jobs do people have?
What can we buy at the shops?
What activities can be done here?
Remember you can share your work on Google Classroom with your teachers and friends.
Week beginning 20.4.20
Daily Lessons:
This will take you to the white rose site where you can watch daily videos that will teach you new skills. You can then download the activity. If you cannot print this, do not worry, you can jot down your answers on a piece of paper. Head over to Google Classroom if you are struggling and we can discuss our methods. This week's focus is fractions which is one of Mr Newbold's favourite areas of maths! You should recognise some of the learning from Year 1, such as a whole and finding a half. When we find a half, we split things into two groups just like dividing by two. This is the same as sharing which we had just looked at. Challenge: I wonder if anybody knows what fraction is the same as 1/2?
Times Tables
A lot of you have been playing TTRockstars which is fantastic stuff! It has been great to see your scores getting higher and higher - keep practising and be resilient! Here is another game that you can challenge yourself to. See how many you score in one minute then have a practice and see if you can beat your score. If you need to get a login for TTRockstars please contact Mr Newbold.
Doubles and Halves
This will link in with you x2 tables. When we double we are adding the same number to itself. for example: double 2 is 2+2 and double 4 is 4+4. As you can see there are two lots of 2 and two lots of 4. This means we can use our two times tables to double. When we halve we split the number into two parts and therefore divide by two. Can you learn your doubles and halves all the way to 10? Why not challenge yourself and find doubles and halves to 20!
Listen to the story on youtube on this link-
This week have a look at Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett. It's about a meerkat called Sunny who is looking for a new home.
Have a go at these tasks-
Task 1- write a character description of Sunny. Think about what he looks like, what his personality is like and what he does in the story.
Task 2- Write a postcard from your favourite place. Explain what you can do there and why you like it so much.
Task 3- Use the internet to research about meerkats.
Task 4- Write a non-chronological report about meerkats. You could use the subheadings- Where meerkats live, What meerkats like to eat, Meerkat's enemies, What meerkats look like. Use facts from the story and what you have found out from the internet to write your report.
Make sure you try and read every day.
Mrs Baker has been reading The Midnight Gang by David Walliams. It is about some children who are in hospital and the adventures they get up to. It is so funny! Let us know what books you have been reading and what they were about.
Mr Newbold has been reading a range of books recently. One I have particularly enjoyed is The Bear and The Piano. The reason I picked this book was because I have started to practice playing the piano myself. It is about a bear that finds something strange and peculiar in a forest. He teaches himself how to play the strange instrument, and eventually the beautiful sounds are heard by a father and son who are picnicking in the woods. The bear goes with them on an incredible journey to New York, where his piano playing makes him a huge star. Hopefully when we are back I could play you a tune :)
Have a go at growing your own rainbow!
Mrs Baker has had a go with her little girl.
We can begin our coding unit! Follow the videos carefully and begin to code. There are lots of new words to learn but do not be afraid - Purple Mash will help with these.
Lesson 1: Introduction to block coding.
You can do this activity with a partner at home - you could choose a responsible adult at home. Can you write down or tell them out loud clear instructions to direct them from one side of the room to the other. Making sure they do not bump into anything along the way.
When you have been successful, log in to purple mash. Coding is just like giving instructions. They need to be very clear making sure each code starts on a new line.
Can you now give instructions to your partner and tell them how to draw a simple picture of a house. Once this is done think about the instructions you gave. Think of ways to make your instruction simple? For example, holding your fingers in a triangle shape for the roof.
If you have PurpleMash you can log in and complete the coding task that is set in your To-Do list. There is a video to watch and if you struggle just press hint and this will give you some help.
We left off looking at the physical and human features of the seaside. We looked on Google Maps and looked at aerial photographs. Can you find and locate the four different countries that make up the United Kingdom and its surrounding seas? You may want to use Google Maps to help you if you have access to this.