PSHE at Sacred Heart Primary School
We at Sacred Heart are proud to have achieved the Sandwell Charter Mark , which promotes and embeds positive mental health and well-being. With the combination of our ‘Healthy Mind, Happy Me’ programme and the PSHE association programme, our children focus on the knowledge and understanding they need to make informed decisions about their well-being, health and relationships, and to build their self-efficacy. These outcomes encompass our school core values and underpin our teaching and learning to prepare our pupils to be responsible citizens, respectful, resourceful and resilient. Our curriculum is designed to promote an understanding of British Values and equality which aims to give every child at Sacred Heart the best start to life.
Implementation of PSHE
We deliver a comprehensive spiral curriculum right from EYFS through to Year 6, addressing key themes using a developmental approach.
Key Themes:
All About Me
Physical and Mental Well-Being
Safe Relationships
Resilience and Coping
My Wider World
Online Safety
Being the Best I Can Be
Using a range of characters each journal is specific to the particular year group and helps give understanding of issues such as ‘dealing with feelings’, families and friendships, respecting ourselves and others and in upper KS2 discussing safe relationships, media and digital resilience, growing and changing and living in a community.
Our curriculum relates specifically to Emotional Health and Wellbeing and this is explored using fictional characters from the Sandwell Borough.
Our PSHE curriculum includes an understanding of the law, individual liberty and related responsibilities, acceptance and tolerance resulting in mutual respect and a deeper understanding of diversity and how this impacts society for the greater good. We teach and foster a culture of tolerance and acceptance in all aspects of school life.
We examine democracy and encourage the pupils to articulate their views and beliefs through debate and discussion using our school council model as a vehicle. We promote a programme of equality, self-awareness and responsibility. We expose pupils to a wide range of social and cultural events that are celebrated by our diverse communities in Sandwell. Sacred Heart Primary is a positive learning environment where all members of our community are valued.
Wider Curriculum
At Sacred Heart, we always strive to include PSHE and positive wellbeing throughout the wider curriculum. We continue to link consistent language from our PSHE and wellbeing session through other subjects such as: science, P.E and R.E.
Whole school assemblies, Key Stage and Class assemblies all reflect the teaching of our PSHE curriculum with particular focus to our key values and drivers.
Mindfulness Friday
On a Friday afternoon, all children participate in a mindfulness session. The children are invited to take part in a yoga session with calming music, this allows our children to have some quiet and reflection time. The children are able to focus on their mental wellbeing alongside their physical wellbeing equipping our children with the skills to build their self-esteem, calming their mind and relieving any worries they may have.
- Children will become more resilient and have the strategies to deal with difficult situations and overcoming barriers in a positive manner.
- Children to become a respectful member of the school community and the wider world.
- Children to reflective on their own and others uniqueness.
- To understand and being aware of their feelings and emotions, allowing them to express and control their emotions in different situations.
- Children to understand and demonstrate equality and diversity.
- Children to have a healthy and positive outlook on school life with particular attention to attendance and behaviour.
- Children to demonstrate and apply British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual Respect , Liberty and the Rule of Law.
- Children to become a healthy and responsible member of school life and the wider community.
- Children to demonstrate resilience, responsibility, respectfulness and resourcefulness in preparation for their future.