Key Stage 2 Performance
End of Key Stage 2 Performance
These are our KS2 results and reflect our high levels of attainment in Reading, Writing and Maths and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar(SPAG) and celebrate all of our July leavers on their wonderful achievements.
The ‘RWM’ line in the table indicates the number of children attaining the expected scores in each of the three areas of Reading, Writing, and Mathematics.
Percentages of pupils achieving indicated levels in each subject in 2023
Key Stage 2 Outcomes | Sacred Heart 2023 | National 2023 | LA 2023 |
Reading | 83% | 73% | 70% |
Greater Depth Standard | 33% | 29% | 23% |
Writing | 74% | 71% | 68% |
Greater Depth Standard | 18% | 13% | 10% |
Maths | 77% | 73% | 71% |
Greater Depth Standard | 30% | 24% | 22% |
SPAG | 83% | 72% | 71.5% |
Greater Depth Standard | 49% | 29% | 27% |
Combined exp+ | 70% | 59% | 56% |
Combined GDS | 12% | 8% | 6%
Summary of our results:
KS2 SATs in 2023 followed the testing and marking procedures introduced in 2016. The actual scores that pupils received in their tests, the ‘raw’ scores, are scaled to account for any variability in difficulty of the tests from year to year. The scaling is done such that a pass mark always corresponds to a scaled score of 100. In KS2 the full range of scaled scores is 80 - 120, with a scaled score of 100 or more representing the expected standard or higher in each test.
A more detailed discussion of the process, which contains technical information for Headteachers, teachers, governors and local authorities, is available from the link below.
Scaled scores at key stage 2, on the website
Our average scaled scores in each area are above those obtained nationally.
106 Reading
105 Maths
108 SPAG
Progress Indicators
Reading Progress +3.20
Reading Progress: Sacred Heart are in the Top 10th percentile compared to other schools nationally in Reading.
Writing Progress +2.71
Writing Progress: Sacred Heart are in the Top 12th percentile compared to other schools nationally in Writing.
Maths Progress +3.28
Maths Progress: Sacred Heart are in the Top 10th percentile compared to other schools nationally Writing.