Home Learning Activities
Hello and welcome to our Home Learning Activities page!
Whilst school is closed, you will find lots of different activities and challenges to complete. This page will be updated regularly with new activities for you to do.
White Rose Maths in partnership with the BBC Bitesize Daily team has developed a 12-week learning programme for the summer term. This scheme is designed to help children be ready for their next year of school. White Rose Maths is the scheme we follow at school. There are videos for each lesson with an activity attached. There are also daily challenges for you to apply your learning and problem solve and reason. There are lessons for each year group from EYFS to Year 6.
Each day, 'Isee Maths' are releasing a daily lesson whereby children are able to access online learning regarding a specific maths topic. The children will be able to navigate through the website to find their appropriate year groups lesson. There is also different activities they can complete on this website.
Please visit this website for some fun, live daily maths lessons.
Maths Support for Parents:
NCETM is a fantastic maths resource site. They have added two new areas to their website, designed to support teachers and parents/carers of primary and secondary school children throughout the period of school closures. All the resources are free to access and do not require a login.
For children:
This area includes new primary lesson videos, intended to provide primary school pupils with interactive lessons while they are at home. Most lessons are 15 to 20 minutes long, each ending with suggested follow-up tasks. The current plan is for three new batches of five lessons each to be added every week.
For parents/carers
The parent support page has a short introductory video, before offering support in three separate areas: learning activities and games; video tips; and Facebook Groups, all sub-divided into primary and secondary.
The two Facebook Groups, Primary maths – teachers supporting parents and Secondary maths – teachers supporting parents, are for any parents/carers and teachers across the country to join. Their purpose is for parents to pose questions about the maths their children are learning, and for teachers to provide easy to understand, straightforward answers.
My Activity Book:
Why not enjoy creating and completing your own learning pack!!
This curriculum- focused independent learning resource is full of educational activities for your child to complete day by day.
This includes:
- English
- Maths
- Science
- Computing
- Geography
- History
- Art and Design
- PE
- Design and Technology
- Music
- Languages
- Mindfulness and Wellbeing
The files for the KS1 and KS2 Activity Booklets are too large to add to the page, please click on the following links to download them directly from the website:
Activity Books
Chrome Music Lab is a website that makes learning music more accessible through fun, hands-on experiments.
Have ago at making your own song, rhythm, melody and there are lots more experiments to choose from.